GFF is not just a brand… it represents a whole world! Giotti Flavours Firenze, Giotti Fabiani Firenze, Giotti Flavours & Fragrances, and Giotti Flavours & Friends above all.
An exciting journey that began decades ago and that is constantly evolving. Two families, one vision, one story: innovation and a boundless passion for their work, because it is genetic!
Back in 1928, in the so-called via Ghibellina in Florence, Enrico Giotti had already understood the importance of essences and aromas in industrial and commercial daily life. In the very same street, the Fabiani family was developing the same product, but addressing another type of customer. The Florentine geniuses already dreamed about the future!
Over the years, the companies have grown from generation to generation and starting from an artisan dimension they have become an industrial reality and leaders in their respective sectors.
With determination, Enrico Giotti has been able to brilliantly face the every day new challenges of the market, he has acquired skills and know-how, his horizons have broadened and he has always looked ahead. Today, Giotti Flavours & Friends, in partnership with Distillerie Ruffini – both strengthened by professional experience, aware of their original background and of the achieved results – give life to a company that represents their “Essence”, reflecting the leitmotif of their life.
GFF begins, with renewed energy, a work that is in its DNA, with innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies with an even more streamlined and flexible approach, always tailor-made and aimed at excellence. “We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence is not an action but a habit” (Aristotle).